Play While You Wait
Are you in line waiting for your kiddo to get their face painted?
We know it can be a bit of a wait, so here are some games to help relieve your boredom!

"What Do You Spy?"
An energetic version of "I Spy"
One person is The Spy. When they say, “I spy,” every child needs to stop what they're doing, listen, and respond with, “What do you spy?” Say something like, “I spy children dancing in place,” or “I spy a rock star silently playing the guitar.” The kids then act out that idea until the next time you say, “I spy.” Then all the students stop what they are doing and ask, “What do you spy?” The game continues with you suggesting other ideas such as, “I spy children waving their arms.” Continue, repeat, and have fun!
"Simon Acts"
Basically "Simon Says," but with visual cues!
Play this game just like any “Simon Says” but add visual directions that are totally wrong! Example: "Simon Says touch your nose," but you, as Simon, touch your cheek!
Add some fun with seasonal themes:
• Winter: Santa Says, Frosty says, Elfie Says ~
• Easter or Spring: The Bunny Says, the Tulip Says ~
• October or Fall: Ghostie Says, the Pumpkin Says ~

"Wiggle Wormie"
All you need is a coin!
Have the participants tilt their hand back so their nose is facing the sky. Place a coin on their nose.
The challenge is to get the coin off the nose - but all you can do is wiggle the nose, you can't move your head!

"Draw a Picture"
Remember playing this at school?
Pair off, or form a line with one person in front of the other. While in line, draw a picture on your partner’s (or the person in front of you's) back. Have them guess what it is. When they correctly guess, switch so that someone different draws on the back.